Today I see a culture literally starving for leaders.
I spend my weeks with high school students who are basically tossed by environment, looking for someone to direct them, whether they realize it or not.
I look at our nation hanging on every word spoken by our leaders, looking for any glimpse of hope for our future. I see leaders speaking and rehearsing words, but frequently find that the words are empty when actions speak louder.
I guess the looming question is, “Who will lead?”
It requires someone willing to put others above themselves. Why does that seem so hard to do? I guess Jesus called it the narrow road for a reason. We have so many needs to be met and they are revealing more and more that selfish ambition will fall short every time.
Leading is as simple as stepping outside of conveniences and comforts and giving to others in a way that provides them direction. Take time to pour life lessons into someone a little younger. Have lunch with a group of people to encourage them with what you’ve learned through experiences. Call forth a younger generation to live for something greater.
It’s going to take more than wishful thinking, waiting on others and empty words to pull us out of where we are. Maybe we are supposed to experience catastrophe first hand before we change. I wish it wasn’t so, but it doesn’t mean I’ll welcome it. I think if we adopted half of the work ethic and ideology of our grandparents we’d start turning this massive ship.
I guess my point is….ACT! Do something. Forget feelings and forget self for a moment. What does God want us to do? How would He want us to live? It wasn’t words, wishing, watching, waiting or anything else that pushed a group of beaten soldiers down Little Round Top to hold the end of the line at Gettysburg. It was the simple decision of Joshua Chamberlin to act!
I spend my weeks with high school students who are basically tossed by environment, looking for someone to direct them, whether they realize it or not.
I look at our nation hanging on every word spoken by our leaders, looking for any glimpse of hope for our future. I see leaders speaking and rehearsing words, but frequently find that the words are empty when actions speak louder.
I guess the looming question is, “Who will lead?”
It requires someone willing to put others above themselves. Why does that seem so hard to do? I guess Jesus called it the narrow road for a reason. We have so many needs to be met and they are revealing more and more that selfish ambition will fall short every time.
Leading is as simple as stepping outside of conveniences and comforts and giving to others in a way that provides them direction. Take time to pour life lessons into someone a little younger. Have lunch with a group of people to encourage them with what you’ve learned through experiences. Call forth a younger generation to live for something greater.
It’s going to take more than wishful thinking, waiting on others and empty words to pull us out of where we are. Maybe we are supposed to experience catastrophe first hand before we change. I wish it wasn’t so, but it doesn’t mean I’ll welcome it. I think if we adopted half of the work ethic and ideology of our grandparents we’d start turning this massive ship.
I guess my point is….ACT! Do something. Forget feelings and forget self for a moment. What does God want us to do? How would He want us to live? It wasn’t words, wishing, watching, waiting or anything else that pushed a group of beaten soldiers down Little Round Top to hold the end of the line at Gettysburg. It was the simple decision of Joshua Chamberlin to act!
Great post Beaty. There is a definite need us to lead and act on what we know. Like you mentioned though, the road is narrow... it's a hard thing to get rid of self and put other's first. I'm currently teaching through this principle with my small group of middle school guys. They're loving it.
Your post reminds me of the song God of Justice by Tim Hughes. I'm sure you've heard it. If not check it out. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=280360892&id=280360813&s=143441
Blessings to you and yours.
preciate the words micah
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