Thursday, July 31, 2008

Contending for Truth

Jesus said he sends us as the Father sent him. We are sent into culture to be his missionaries.

1 Cor 9:19 - Paul calls us to both contend (Jude 1:3) for the gospel and contextualize it! You have to have both. We are to be humble servants. We don’t compromise the gospel in order to contextualize. Instead, we contend for the gospel, to keep the gospel the gospel. Yet we contextualize it so that people may be able to receive it and understand it: We have timeless truth and timely methods.

If you only contend, you become fundamentalist, mean-spirited, inflexible, rude etc.
If you only contextualize, you become liberal, lose sight of the truth and the message of the gospel. We have to fight for truth and speak the truth in a way that others can grasp it.

Balance is a good thing.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Are We Free?

1 Cor 6:19-20
“…You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God…”

This seems to be such a stark contrast to the world’s definition of freedom. We like to think of ourselves as being under the control of no one. We want democracy, freedoms and independence.
In God’s economy, we are free because He purchased us! Therefore, we no longer belong to ourselves but to Him.

It’s amazing how, when we were not under His control (unbelievers) we were so jacked up and on a path to nowhere; often times destruction. Although we claim to be free, we’re slaves to our own finiteness and limitations (Rom 6:16) “…we are slaves to whom we obey…” We are slaves to sin (because it is our eternal disease from the beginning of time) or we are slaves to righteousness (by surrendering to the one who purchased us through his suffering).

I can’t help but laugh: either way, we are slaves! We claim to be free, making our own decisions. I’m too busy for God, I don’t need God or God doesn’t really understand. Although you wish something so or believe it with all your heart, it doesn’t make it true. Truth is truth despite our weird explanations or reasoning.

God welcomes us to freedom, by purchasing us. He frees us from our own evil, from any other force of evil, and from the wages that we’ve earned because of our screw-ups etc. After all, He is God. He sees and understands differently. We know nothing next to Him. Maybe His ways are better than ours.

You tell me which form of slavery actually has freedom!

Freedom is not asserting a ‘right’ and shifting the responsibility onto someone else. We see this all the time in our culture. We often think that the government (or at least someone other than us) should pay for the consequences we’ve reaped by asserting a right and forfeiting the responsibility that comes with that right. (e.g. we have the right to bear arms and with that right comes the responsibility of not using that right to kill someone)

Galatians says that we were “called to freedom” but not to use it as an opportunity for personal gain or pleasure. There is a responsibility or a will to obey concerning the gifts (rights, privileges etc.) we’re given.

(Personal) Freedom is surrender. It is assuming responsibility for the gift we’ve received. It is slavery to a transcending authority that has our best interests at heart.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Creativity: How do we attain it?

Creativity seems to be something we strive for and desire to develop. We always want our message and efforts to be cutting edge, hip, attractive and effective. I think the starting ground for creativity is the Creator. If you think about it, there is no one in the universe more creative than God! Just for starters, study the human body and all it's intricacies!!! Out of nothing and with no reference to get ideas, He created! He made everything we see and know. He gave us the ability to create.

I think we often get the sense that God is distant or disconnected at times; almost as if He's like an older parent who's lost touch and doesn't know what's cool anymore. The truth is, he is the most cutting edge resource available.

The most creative people on the planet know the Creator or at least get inspiration from Him. If you desire creative power and ideas, ask Him! I've found that the most creative writing, songs, ideas and work that I've done came out of a moment spent with the Creator. Our creativity is a direct reflection of how well we know God. I think the influence of Solomon in 1 Kings 10 is a great example. Innovation starts with a creative mind which is born from the Creator Himself!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Earth

So I've been in the mountains for a week! No TV, no internet, no phone, no nothing but wildlife, family, trout fishing, fires and fun. It's almost like culture shock when you return! Your inboxes are loaded and the normal routine seems like years ago. It's amazing how 'busy' we seem to get. I often wonder how important all of the 'busy-ness' is anyway! How we need more escapes to clear our minds! I hope these moments of escape will serve to change me from the inside out.