We had a long fruitful conversation with some friends in Dallas the other night that sparked many thoughts in me. At the core, I think it shook some theological beliefs in a good way.
We hear many things over the course of our Christian lives that become so familiar they've lost their power and revelation. At the core of our beliefs/theology should be the fact that
God is good and the enemy is bad! You make a list under the word GOD and then make another list under the word SATAN. What words will you find there?
It's amazing how we buy into subtle lies that keep the Holy Spirit bound inside of us: e.g. is God the author of disease? No. but somehow we buy into the lie that maybe He made us sick to teach us something, so therefore we resist the opportunity for healing and stay where we are. But according to James, we are to resist the devil, not God's truths.
Does God use bad things and bring about good? Yes! He is the one who invented redemption!
I'll be the first to say there are many things this side of heaven that we will never understand. But by laying a foundation that God is ultimately good and wants to prosper us, not harm us, heal us, free us, bring deliverance, love us unconditionally, use us as His own, etc., we are setting ourselves up for miracles and experiencing His power.
If we allow one ounce of doubt in regards to Him being good, we stifle the opportunities from His Spirit.
I'm asking for God to open my eyes afresh and give me new understanding of who He is!
Smith Wigglesworth put it best,
"Jesus did great works because of his knowledge of His Father. Faith begets knowledge, fellowship and communion. If you see imperfect faith, full of doubt, a wavering condition, it always comes because of imperfect knowledge."The more we see the Father as He actually is, the more our faith is pure and pleasing to Him.