Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My CD on iTunes

You can download the cd from iTunes. Use the link below!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New CD has finally arrived

Because of the way we did some things, it's taken a while to get the new disc in. We're happy with it and hope it spurs listeners to worship. It's easy to try and pick it apart until I remind myself that we recorded live and did it insanely fast! All I can say is mad props to the incredible musicians I play with! Check it out if you get a chance!

take a listen:


Sunday, July 5, 2009


We've been all over the state the last three weeks. From the beach to the mountains and several places in between. In the middle of it all we had the privilege of being keynote speakers at a youth work camp a couple of weeks ago. The camp was pretty incredible in the sense that these youth gave up a week of their time to get their hands dirty and help some amazing residents in Wilson, NC fix up their homes. We literally saw six transformations happen over the week as these homes were repaired and cared for! In the midst of the homes being transformed we saw students lives transformed as well as the power of the gospel prodded their hearts every night! Several of the students have kept in touch to tell us how their lives have already changed!

Here is a look at the homes with an added touch from various pictures taken from each location.

Monday, June 15, 2009

As of late

Been working on different stuff as of late --
Here are some things I've been doing: graphic design stuff

CD cover for a friend...not a final yet, but getting close.

Back of traycard for our CD. They are being printed at the moment; should be finished by the end of the month!

Other than that, video editing, working at church, getting ready for fund raising this summer, and preparing for a youth camp! Lots of stuff, hence the low amount of posts :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who's letters are we reading?

We had a long fruitful conversation with some friends in Dallas the other night that sparked many thoughts in me. At the core, I think it shook some theological beliefs in a good way.

We hear many things over the course of our Christian lives that become so familiar they've lost their power and revelation. At the core of our beliefs/theology should be the fact that God is good and the enemy is bad! You make a list under the word GOD and then make another list under the word SATAN. What words will you find there?

It's amazing how we buy into subtle lies that keep the Holy Spirit bound inside of us: e.g. is God the author of disease? No. but somehow we buy into the lie that maybe He made us sick to teach us something, so therefore we resist the opportunity for healing and stay where we are. But according to James, we are to resist the devil, not God's truths.

Does God use bad things and bring about good? Yes! He is the one who invented redemption!

I'll be the first to say there are many things this side of heaven that we will never understand. But by laying a foundation that God is ultimately good and wants to prosper us, not harm us, heal us, free us, bring deliverance, love us unconditionally, use us as His own, etc., we are setting ourselves up for miracles and experiencing His power.

If we allow one ounce of doubt in regards to Him being good, we stifle the opportunities from His Spirit.

I'm asking for God to open my eyes afresh and give me new understanding of who He is!

Smith Wigglesworth put it best, "Jesus did great works because of his knowledge of His Father. Faith begets knowledge, fellowship and communion. If you see imperfect faith, full of doubt, a wavering condition, it always comes because of imperfect knowledge."

The more we see the Father as He actually is, the more our faith is pure and pleasing to Him.

Friday, April 17, 2009

B.U.S.Y sucks

I feel that God has challenged me lately about my schedule. For some reason it seems that when we're asked how we're doing or how are things going, we find some sick pleasure in boasting about how busy we are. There's like an understood respect in our culture for being so busy you can't talk or spend time with someone.

I think my perspective on busyness has been shattered and I'm thankful for it. My goal has shifted to be as free as possible when it comes to my schedule. Why would I be so proud of not being able to answer a phone call (especially if it's a student who may benefit greatly from 5 min of conversation)? Why be proud over not being able to hang out with someone? Who is really benefiting from the busyness? Seems to me more people suffer from it, especially my family...and that sucks!

Why not make it our goal to be available? Why not do the things that God has asked us to do and say no to a million other things that maybe would be better served by someone else anyway? Let me be clear that I'm in no way talking about laziness (Prov 19:15), but simply taking on God's burden and his yoke alone. I have found that it is the most unattractive thing when you can't ever get up with someone or you feel they never have the time for you. Somehow I have to believe that God's ways wouldn't keep us excluded from personal touch and relationship, especially with sinners. After all, Jesus was a friend of sinners.

My new acronym for BUSY is:

and that someone is usually satan.

When my response to "How have you been?" brings to mind the word busy, I think I'll reevaluate what I'm doing week in and week out. God help us take on your yoke instead.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going Green!!!

What a timely verse for the times we're facing:

Jeremiah 17:7-8

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."

Many people are looking for answers, especially now. Will I still have a job tomorrow? How will we make it during such difficult times? Fear is the obvious temptation when we are bombarded with so much information and little hope.

What an incredible promise..."it has no worries in a year of drought"!
How is that so? What will people be asking us when they feel that all is falling around them? Will we still be bearing fruit?

The answer is clear in the verse 7..."blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him." Easily said I'm sure. But the promise is enough to cause us to stand firm. Leaning on Him has never been more crucial or 'environmentally' friendly.

*inspired by an aside note from pastor Mike Williams a couple of weeks ago. Thanks ps. Mike :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who Will Lead?

Today I see a culture literally starving for leaders.
I spend my weeks with high school students who are basically tossed by environment, looking for someone to direct them, whether they realize it or not.
I look at our nation hanging on every word spoken by our leaders, looking for any glimpse of hope for our future. I see leaders speaking and rehearsing words, but frequently find that the words are empty when actions speak louder.

I guess the looming question is, “Who will lead?”
It requires someone willing to put others above themselves. Why does that seem so hard to do? I guess Jesus called it the narrow road for a reason. We have so many needs to be met and they are revealing more and more that selfish ambition will fall short every time.

Leading is as simple as stepping outside of conveniences and comforts and giving to others in a way that provides them direction. Take time to pour life lessons into someone a little younger. Have lunch with a group of people to encourage them with what you’ve learned through experiences. Call forth a younger generation to live for something greater.

It’s going to take more than wishful thinking, waiting on others and empty words to pull us out of where we are. Maybe we are supposed to experience catastrophe first hand before we change. I wish it wasn’t so, but it doesn’t mean I’ll welcome it. I think if we adopted half of the work ethic and ideology of our grandparents we’d start turning this massive ship.

I guess my point is….ACT! Do something. Forget feelings and forget self for a moment. What does God want us to do? How would He want us to live? It wasn’t words, wishing, watching, waiting or anything else that pushed a group of beaten soldiers down Little Round Top to hold the end of the line at Gettysburg. It was the simple decision of Joshua Chamberlin to act!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Back to basics seems like such a cliche saying. The more I spend time with people sharing the Bible with them and discussing what it means to serve God, the more I realize how in need we are for the basics! I'm not referring to childish things, but mastering the foundations! I was struck by a quote from Ed Stetzer a leading church growth/culture expert.

"Only 16% of Protestant church goers read their Bible daily."

Wow. We are focusing a lot on mobilizing the congregation and trying to shift the congregation's thinking to be more missional. Seems to me that getting some of these basics down will really help the effort.

I guess our challenge is driving home the importance of the basics and making them a part of our everyday lives.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow, forgot I had a blog

I can't believe it's been this long since I posted. I guess the holidays and changing schedules takes its toll on the blogging world.

I've also been working on building a new brand of coffee beans! This has been lots of fun and hopefully many people will experience the quality inside of these carefully selected and roasted beans! If you're a coffee lover, I would strongly encourage you to give them a try.
