Jesus said he sends us as the Father sent him. We are sent into culture to be his missionaries.
1 Cor 9:19 - Paul calls us to both contend (Jude 1:3) for the gospel and contextualize it! You have to have both. We are to be humble servants. We don’t compromise the gospel in order to contextualize. Instead, we contend for the gospel, to keep the gospel the gospel. Yet we contextualize it so that people may be able to receive it and understand it: We have timeless truth and timely methods.
1 Cor 9:19 - Paul calls us to both contend (Jude 1:3) for the gospel and contextualize it! You have to have both. We are to be humble servants. We don’t compromise the gospel in order to contextualize. Instead, we contend for the gospel, to keep the gospel the gospel. Yet we contextualize it so that people may be able to receive it and understand it: We have timeless truth and timely methods.
If you only contend, you become fundamentalist, mean-spirited, inflexible, rude etc.
If you only contextualize, you become liberal, lose sight of the truth and the message of the gospel. We have to fight for truth and speak the truth in a way that others can grasp it.
If you only contextualize, you become liberal, lose sight of the truth and the message of the gospel. We have to fight for truth and speak the truth in a way that others can grasp it.
Balance is a good thing.